On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 7:49 PM, Matthew Woodward <m...@mattwoodward.com>wrote:

> I'm working on an application that uses two databases -- one is the main
> database that Django ORM talks to, where sessions are stored, etc. and the
> other is an external database where we need to run some storedprocs to
> retrieve some data.
> This is all working fine for the most part but I ran into a situation
> today that's causing some odd behavior so I figured I'd seek clarification.
> (This is SQL Server using django-pyodbc in case that matters.)
> I have the functions that talk to the "other" database in a Python class,
> so their methods are more or less like so:
> def get_stuff(self, foo):
>     cursor = connections['otherConnection'].cursor()
>     stuff = cursor.execute('exec myStoredproc').fetchall()
>     return stuff
> In and of themselves, the methods in this class work fine. Also note these
> functions only retrieve data; there's no writing going on.
> Now in the context of a view function I'm handling a posted form and this
> interacts with the "primary" database connection (i.e. NOT the
> 'otherConnection' referenced above), and I'm using the
> @transaction.commit_on_success decorator.
> Inside that function I instantiate the class containing the methods like
> the one above to retrieve data, and when I call that method it seems to
> blow away my session because I'm logged out of the application and taken
> back to my login page. If I change that method to NOT communicate with the
> other database and instead just return dummy data I don't get kicked out of
> the application.
> Any ideas what's going on here? If the answer is that I can't do things
> this way that's fine, but if that is the case what's the "right" way to
> handle this situation?
> Hopefully I explained that well but I'm happy to clarify as needed.
> Thanks!

Just a shot in the dark: Maybe if, since you're not using the ORM on the
'other' database, you shouldn't use django-pyodbc, but rather just pyobdc.
My thought is that the django version may try to bind up both connections
in the transaction control stuff, and/or wants to do the cursor management
stuff itself.  You don't need transaction control on the database that you
only read, I presume.  Errors on that would still occur within a request
and roll back the ORM transaction, so all should be good.  As I say, a seat
of the pants guess from someone who has never done two databases, and has
never used pyodbc.



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