On Sunday, December 9, 2012 9:08:18 PM UTC-8, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
> On 10/12/2012 10:59am, Victor Hooi wrote: 
> > Also - in terms of using them with QuerySets - there aren't any 
> > workarounds to use model methods with QuerySets are there? It seems like 
> > that would be a definite argument in favour of using the second method, 
> > right? 
> I'm not sure what you mean exactly here but you can use them in model 
> methods. Use the class manager. 
> ClassName.objects.filter(thing=self.this, whatever=self.that, etc=etc) 
What I believe Victor is asking for is that the model method is on the left 
hand side of that equals.

On my understanding of the framework, my best answer is "no", because the 
query system is unable to construct a SQL query that will encompass your 
model method, since that's in python.

This is a very classic "pre-calculate vs re-calculate" argument that a lot 
of applications go through. Django handles a bunch of these using "lazy" 
queries, that don't bother calculating things until it really needs them, 
but even so, needs some hints to get best performance (see things like 
select_related and prefetch_related). 

Here's some options for you:

1. Stick with a model method. Do most of your querying through django's 
ORM, but then do a post-filter in python using the results of the model 
method. This saves database space, and if the pre-filter result set is 
small, this will be pretty fast still. Howerver, if this is called a _lot_ 
you'll be hurt on performance.

2. Whenever you "save" a model, re-calculate the field and save it. This is 
very flexible, while chewing up a bit of space. This opens up the 
possibility of a desync between the source data and the calculated, but 
should be rare if you're never saving the model data outside of the save 
method (and your database handles transactions properly). Very fast if 
you're doing a lot of searching vs updating. But if you're updating FAR 
more often than running your search, you're wasting performance on the 
rarely used pre-calculation

3. If the calculation can be done at the database level, use the "extra" 
ORM method to do a search. This is better than 1, but will take a fair bit 
more database knowledge to get going, AND might tie you to a specific 
database implementation.

3a. Use a database "view" that presents the pre-calculation, making the ORM 
query a lot simpler. This means ensuring that you are allowed to update a 
view (postgresql 9.3 planned) or can somehow do a query on the view (which 
is a different table according to django). More django work here, and again 
might tie you to a particular database implementation

So, my guess is... as long as you're doing a reasonable number of "queries" 
versus "updates" to the table, to make the pre-calculation worthwhile, just 
go ahead and set that pre-calculation in the model's save() method,


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