I understand that but, there isn't a way to safely change the app_label 
attribute. As I understand, django manages the apps through INSTALLED_APPS 
and django admin strips the app name from the module "path" (please correct 
me). For example:
Say I have the catalog app (package). Inside I have the Product model. 
Then, django admin takes the registered models and for each get it's 
model._meta.app_label (
and group.

The model._meta.app_label is "created" by the ModelBase class at 
It looks one level up from the model module by splitting the string by the 
dots. In this case, "catalog.models", so the app_label would be "catalog". 
If it were "some.thing.catalog.models" the app_label would also be 
"catalog". The thing is that the app_label is used on other places like in 
https://github.com/django/django/blob/1.4.2/django/db/models/base.py#L205 to 
get a model so if I rename it on the class Meta it would raise an 
error. It's suppose to be used when you have models inside submodules of 
your app (
https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/models/options/#app-label). Also, 
if I rename it arbitrarily I can't rename it to the spanish equivalent 
because of the "tilde" or however you say it. As an example, catalog 
(catalogue) in spanish is catálogo so it wouldn't be a valid module name. 

So, there's the dilemma. Any thoughts? I think I may have found a way but I 
will need to discuss it with active django developers because it will need 
tinkering of the Django source code and I don't want to mess it up. Where 
do I get in touch with some developer?

El miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012 17:53:43 UTC-3, Chris Cogdon escribió:
> Most objects have a way of giving them a "label" attribute, or even a 
> "short_description" attribute. So, if you didn't want to go to the trouble 
> of internationalizing (i17ning?) your application, just use those idioms to 
> create visible names for your custom-created models and forms, etc.
> To change the django-supplied names, then that should just be a matter of 
> switching the language in the settings.
> If you want to change the "Django Administration" name to something app 
> specific, then I would supply a new admin/base_site.html template (copy the 
> one from django-source/contrib/admin/templates/admin, modify it, and put it 
> into a templates/admin folder in your own app)
> On Tuesday, December 4, 2012 8:58:38 PM UTC-8, Pedro J. Aramburu wrote:
>> I hope someone could help me. My main language is Spanish but when I 
>> write code I like it to be en english. Being that way it will be easier to 
>> open source something in the future. The main problem is the app name in 
>> the Admin Site. 
>> For example, I'm writing a kind of eCommerce site without the ability to 
>> make transactions (or buy) online. So it's more like a product 
>> catalog/catalogue. For that reason I created a catalog app with the desired 
>> modules, etc. When I configure the admin site then, I have the Catalog 
>> section with the CRUD for the models but, as my main language is Spanish, 
>> my clients also read Spanish so instead of "Catalog" it should say 
>> "Catálogo".
>> I've read the documentation and googled a lot and find some "solutions" 
>> but they were pretty old. The most promising was to modify the admin site 
>> templates and put something like the following on the __init__.py file:
>> from django.utils.translation import ugettext_noop as _
>> _('Catalog')
>> That way the makemessages would pick the string and then I could 
>> translate it. Well, it didn't work.
>> I found that the templates have some translation applied to them but I 
>> then realized that the app.name isn't translated but the surroundings 
>> are (
>> https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html).
>> The app.name is just a string interpolation.
>> Have been any progress regarding this subject? Have anyone had to deal 
>> with something like this? Can I change the app name in some way or the 
>> app_label? What's the difference? How should approach it? Isn't somewhere a 
>> verbose_name for apps or something? Even if it's hard coded, with no 
>> translation.
>> Thank you in advance for your time.

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