
I'm hopeful someone can point me in the right direction to improve the
admin UI for my app. I need to allow for the creation and display of an
ordered list of books. I had no problem setting this up and editing the
lists in the admin UI, but the UX for an admin leaves much to be desired.

The two biggest issues are that books can be saved to the same position as
books already on a list, and the admin always has to specify a position on
the list for each book (rather than simply adding the most recent book to
the end). Ideally books could even be dragged around and visually
reordered. This is a pretty classic ordered-list scenario, so I'm hoping
someone has already done some work to improve the admin UI for this case.
Is anyone aware of anything that might help?

The code I'm using in my app is below- it is dead simple and pretty much
straight from the documentation. I have created two models for this
purpose- Book and List, which are associated by a ListMember class using a
through relationship.

class Book(models.Model):

title = models.CharField(max_length=200)

class List(models.Model):

books = models.ManyToManyField(Book, through="ListMember")

class ListMember(models.Model):

list = models.ForeignKey(List)
book = models.ForeignKey(Book)
position = models.IntegerField()

Then in my admin code I've created BookAdmin, ListAdmin, and
ListMemberInline. I've also included simplified code for these classes

class ListMemberInline(admin.TabularInline):

model = List.books.through

class ListAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

inlines = ['ListMemberInline',]
excludes = ('books',)

class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

inlines = ['ListMemberInline',]

If anyone is aware of improvements to the admin UI for this case that I
could reuse I would really appreciate a pointer in the right direction.
Alternatively, guidance on how to improve this myself would also be very


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