*On 11/21/12 5:58 AM, Luisa Beck wrote:**
*Thank you for your thoughts! I have a few follow-up questions: *
*The reason that I’m trying to figure out postgres is that I’m helping some folks with a development project and they’re using postgres. I’m trying to do the tutorial with that so that I can get familiar with postgres and the pgAdmin III interface. And also with how Django, Python and Postgres work together (your explanation has been very helpful with that).

Regarding your explanations:

I have a bash “Terminal” and an SQL Shell. I also have virtual environments in a folder ~/Sites/django_test (i.e. when I tell the bash Terminal to “activate” this folder, it puts me in a an (env)). However ,when I run “python manage.py runserver" at the bash Terminal command line, I get an error message saying “can't open file 'manage.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory”. Even when I run the command in the (env), I get the error message: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python: can't open file 'manage.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory(Which I presume is telling me that the path is still set on an incorrect version of Python (3.2), even though I want to use version 2.7 and trashed the 3.2 version from my system. )
*It sounds like you have a damaged virtual environment. They are easy to build so just create a new one.**
**For the Mac I'm using MacPorts to get packages, and virtualenv to build my python environment. I highly recommend both. MacPorts puts packages underneath /opt/local so you can figure out where something is located (the Apple packages are harder to track down imo). Install py27-virtualenv and py27-pip from MacPorts and that should get you the basics, including python 2.7. Make sure that /opt/local/bin is in your path. Create your virtualenv using "virtualenv-2.7". Use pip to grab python packages once you have your basic virtualenv created and activated.**

I think that there are a few gaps in my understanding here:

  * I don’t understand the difference between typing in commands into
    my bash Terminal versus my SQL shell

*"SQL shell" is pgAdmin? In any case, they are just two different environments, where for the latter case you are talking directly to your database server.**

  * Is running “python manage.py runserver” the same as running Python
    programs with an IDE like IDLE?

*Probably not, but in any case follow the tutorial using your terminal windows.**

  * How and where do I adjust your $PATH environment variable so that
    the correct python occurs first on the path?

*Your ~/.bashrc file is the place to put in path changes appropriate for all of your work. Adjust the path e**lsewhere if you only want the path changed sometimes.**


                         - Tom

  * I think that I installed the correct Python version into the
    virtual environment using pip install. Why am I still receiving a
    “No such file or directory” error?
  * Why does Python version 3.2 still appear in the path indicated by
    my error message is I trashed it?

If you could help me with these questions, or simply list links with any tutorials that explain this, that would be much appreciated. Or perhaps you know how I can access ‘freenode’ so that I can ask in the discussion forum? Thanks!

        Also, I'm having trouble entering freenode because it says
        that "#Django Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be
        identified with services"

        And lastly, if someone could forward me a tutorial about how
        the databases, python files,
        virtual environments and Django work together (I am new to all
        of these) that would be much appreciated!

        Thanks in advance!

    I'm no Mac expert, but I'll offer a couple of thoughts.

    First, you shouldn't need to solve both the PostgreSQL
    installation issue and learning Django at the same time. sqlite3
    is adequate to the tutorial, and is built in to modern pythons
    (e.g.; 2.7), and I presume that's true on the Mac as well.

    Django is written in Python, which requires no pre-compilation,
    but must be run with a python interpreter, e.g.; "python manage.py
    runserver" at the command line.  The tutorial is written with the
    assumption that you will be running it from the command line.  If
    you have more than one python installed on your system, you can
    specify which one to use by including the path on the command
    line, such as "~/bin/python manage.py runserver", or you can
    adjust your $PATH environment variable so that the correct python
    occurs first on the path.  This last is what virtualenv does: the
    activate code (which you must "source", not run, e.g.; "source
    ~/venvs/djtutorial/bin/activate") adjusts the PATH (and prompt) of
    the shell that sources it so that the virtualenv's python is found
    first*, and defines a "deactivate" shell function that will undo
    the changes (exiting the shell is just as good - i.e., this will
    not last across a reboot, you must activate each new shell -
command line window - that you start to work on this project). Python figures out where you ran it from, and searches from there
    for it's libraries, and finds first those associated with the
    virtualenv, e.g. "~/venvs/djtutorial/lib/python2.7/".  This means
    that you can install things there (e.g.; by using "pip install
    ..." from a shell that has been activated for that virtualenv) and
    they won't effect your base python installation.

    [ * Perhaps not commonly understood, you don't need to activate if
    you specify the path to the correct python, e.g.;
    "~/venvs/djtutorial/bin/python manage.py runserver", so it is easy
    to create a shell script or even an alias that does your most
    common stuff.  For example, you might make a copy of manage.py,
    maybe called "manage", add a first line with the magic incantation:


    Then make that file executable ("chmod a+x manage") and you will
    be able to do "./manage runserver", etc., whether or not you have
    activated in the current shell.  (I specifically recommend against
    putting the project directory on your path, thus the "./" part.) ]

    For most databases Django connects to the database's socket to
    communicate.  For sqlite3 the code is running within your python
    interpreter and it reads and writes the specified file for
    persistence.  Django's ORM maps models onto database tables and
    the fields of the model onto the columns of the table, and
    provides the "syncdb" command for initializing the tables.

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