Good point.  At the moment, sending mail is my priority, but eventually 
I'll want to receive and view mail as well.  Most guides I can find relate 
to setting up both sides of the story, so I figure I might as well just do 
it all at once.

On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 2:39:11 PM UTC-5, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Nov 2012 20:48:04 -0500, Chris Pagnutti 
> < <javascript:>> declaimed the following in 
> gmane.comp.python.django.user: 
> > Not sure.  It's VPS and I was handed a Debian install with practically 
> > nothing on it.  I even had to install make to be able to compile nginx. 
> >  I'm looking into setting up Postfix+Dovecot+Roundcube (or SquirrelMail) 
> > 
>         As I recall, your problem was to SEND mail. From a quick Google 
> session, Dovecot and Roundcube are not products for sending mail -- 
> Dovecot being a POP3/IMAP server and Roundcube a web-mail interface. 
> Were you planning on hosting /mailboxes/ for users? 
>         Postfix (alternatively, Sendmail, qmail, exim -- though qmail has 
> fallen behind in features) is the only item in the list needed to send 
> email /out/.  {If I recall, it would also be used to receive mail sent 
> to your server, and /that/ would then need to be placed into a local 
> account mailbox -- you may need a POP3/IMAP server if you want to later 
> read those [presuming the only inbound is stuff for the sysop: 
>,, something like that] without SSH 
> into the server environment}. 
> {Hmmm, implies the default SMTPd for 
> Debian is exim} 
> -- 
>         Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN 
> <javascript:>    
> HTTP:// 

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