On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 11:53 AM, Aswani Kumar <aswin.1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> my question is google app engine supports python 2.7 but django moving
> towards python 3.x now with django 1.5 the minimum required version of
> python is 2.6. and django 1.6 will be on python 2.7. what will be my future
> if i choose google app engine and django.

migration to 3.x is still experimental, it will be some time before
it's mandatory.

also, a significant part of Django deprecation policy is which
versions are available in widely used platforms. Not so long ago, 2.4
was still supported just because some still-supported RHEL version
uses it by default.

finally, i'm sure Google will make 3.x available before 2.7 is
hopelessly obsolete.  Remember that they employ some big-name Python
developers just for that (even someone with GvR initials....)

> i need a PAAS like google app engine so i can concentrate on developing app
> instead of managing servers.

personally, i find much easier to manage my own server than to be
constantly distracted by the by-design limitations of the different
PaaS offerings.  But if you find one that you really like, and don't
mind the lock-in, go for it!


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