I recommend if you do transactions a lot, stick to Postgresql by all means. 
MySQL isn't transactional database, to test what I mean, create a InnoDB 
database with a very simple InnoDB table (two columns would be fine), than 
do 1000 inserts in transactions; note the time and you will find that 
InnoDB is very very slow on insert, plus transactions death locks are very 

On Monday, November 5, 2012 7:50:56 AM UTC+5, martharotter wrote:
> I was advised recently to port my startup's Django databases from postgres 
> to mysql for two reasons: 
> 1) RDS on Amazon makes it your life much easier
> 2) When I need to scale my web app and have to hire people to help me, it 
> will be much easier to find solid mysql people than postgres people. 
> Any thoughts on these? Are they legitimate concerns? It's always a pain to 
> migrate, but I guess if it's worth doing I'd rather do that now when it 
> makes less of an impact. 
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> --Martha 
> http://woop.ie 

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