Hello Dennis,

Yes you are right..I am looking for how the Django effort itself is 
managed by the developers and the Django community in general? 

I want to get more information on:

- how Django team gathers requirements for each release

- how does the planning go on for each enhancement/release

- how the team members communicate about their progress(are their any 
formal checkpoints within a release?)

-what is the process of code review and approval, who all are involved

- how about the test planning, are the test plans developed prior to the 
implementation or are they done simultaneously

- and about the estimate of time and resource for the release, do you use 
any estimation techniques or how is it done
If you could some insight on these area or you could let me know of any 
documents/websites where I can find this information.

On Sunday, October 28, 2012 8:26:33 PM UTC-7, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Oct 2012 13:39:52 -0700 (PDT), Smriti Patodi 
> <smriti...@gmail.com <javascript:>> declaimed the following in 
> gmane.comp.python.django.user: 
> > I am a MSIS student at Santa Clara University, CA. My team has chosen 
> > Django to work on for our Software Project Management course. 
>         Your inquiry is slightly ambiguous. 
>         Are you intending to /implement/ some "software project 
> management" 
> application /using/ Django? 
> > I was wondering if there is some place where I can find documentation 
> > related to Django's Software Development process/model. 
>         Or are you, instead, asking how the Django effort itself is 
> managed 
> by the developers? Which is how I interpret the above statement. 
>         {I believe the other two responses currently extant interpreted 
> your 
> request as the former -- you wish to implement a project management 
> application using Django. [I'd also hope that a candidate in a Master's 
> degree program in IS would have encountered relational databases by now 
> <G>]} 
> -- 
>         Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN 
>         wlf...@ix.netcom.com <javascript:>    
> HTTP://wlfraed.home.netcom.com/ 

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