Hello,.. obviously my answer comes late, but - as I am now learning Django 
and I ran into the same issue, here's my post - may be helpful for anyone 
getting in the same trouble.

I am following the tutorial for Django 1.3.
On my Ubuntu 12.10 I have installed with Synaptic Django 1.4.1, but I 
believe I already had a Django 1.3.3 before... now the result is... in my 
command-line django-admin tells me the version is 1.3.3.

But I am pretty convinced that something mixed up, and that's how this 
trouble came...

Solution to "fix" your copy of index.html from the tutorial part 2:
- replace: {% load i18n admin_static %} *with* {% load i18n static %}
- replace: href="{% static "admin/css/dashboard.css" %}" *with* href="{% 
get_static_prefix %}admin/css/dashboard.css"

I hope this helps!

miercuri, 11 ianuarie 2012, 04:51:07 UTC+1, kalyan boga a scris:
> Hi,
> I was working on tutorial 2 and i tried to change the layout of index 
> page. Copied the index.html template to my template folder under admin and 
> changed the contents to suit the site. The second line errors out :  
> {% load i18n admin_static %}
> The error on the page reads :
> TemplateSyntaxError at /admin/ 
> 'admin_static' is not a valid tag library: Template library admin_static not 
> found, tried 
> django.templatetags.admin_static,django.contrib.admin.templatetags.admin_static
> What did i miss ?

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