i've included django-registration in my project's apps.
I've included in my project's settings
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = "people.Profile"

Trying to delete an User from admin interface,
I'm still getting this frustrating error message

*IntegrityError at /admin/auth/user/X/delete/*

*update or delete on table "auth_user" violates foreign key constraint 
"registration_registrationprofile_user_id_fkey" on table 

*DETAIL:  Key (id)=(X) is still referenced from table 

The url /admin/auth/user/X/delete/ 
<http://speed-10.linkeropoli.dom:8012/admin/auth/user/57/delete/> only shows

auth.User instance and profile.Profile instance to be deleted, 

but the instance of this table (registration_registrationprofile) is not 
included and processed.

Any ideas?



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