On Wednesday, 3 November 2010 09:34:38 UTC+5:30, Jorge wrote:
> Jirka & Everybody 
> Back to basics is always a good advice. With your help and this guy: 
> http://www.beardygeek.com/2010/03/adding-views-to-the-django-admin/ 
> I can create a form to upload csv files and input their records into 
> the database. 
> Short history: 
> Forms.py: 
> class DataInput(forms.Form): 
>     file = forms.FileField() 
>     place = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Place.objects.all()) 
>     def save(self): 
>         records = csv.reader(self.cleaned_data["file"]) 
>         for line in records: 
>             input_data = Data() 
>             input_data.place = self.cleaned_data["place"] 
>             input_data.time = datetime.strptime(line[1], "%m/%d/%y %H: 
> %M:%S") 
>             input_data.data_1 = line[2] 
>             input_data.data_2 = line[3] 
>             input_data.data_3 = line[4] 
> This form was imported in a view: 
> @staff_member_required 
> def import(request): 
>     if request.method == "POST": 
>         form = DataInput(request.POST, request.FILES) 
>         if form.is_valid(): 
>             form.save() 
>             success = True 
>             context = {"form": form, "success": success} 
>             return render_to_response("imported.html", context, 
>             context_instance=RequestContext(request)) 
>     else: 
>         form = DataInput() 
>         contexto = {"form": form} 
>         return render_to_response("imported.html", context, 
>             context_instance=RequestContext(request)) 
> And add  the url pattern & some little changes to the admin index 
> template, and everything works the way i want. 
> Thanks guys! 
I am using this code but gives errror as " 'DataInput' object has no 
attribute 'cleaned_data'
Can you please suggest me why this occurs? And the form.is_valid() is not 
working it always return false. 

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