i'm not clear about your models:

   - the admin inline refers to a RunHasSample model that i don't see in 
   your models.py
   - the Sample model has an FK to Sample, but looks like the 
   run_has_sample table.  Should i presume that's the RunHasSample 
   intermediary model instead?
   - i don't see your tables for Run or Sample, which may not be relevant, 
   but given my present confusion, might help
   - It seems like RunHasSample is an explicit intermediary between Run and 
   Sample, and then there is also an intermediary table between RunHasSample 
   and Line. That means your explicit m2m intermediary table has an implicit 
   m2m to et another table.  Is that what you want?

i'm lost at that point.

Did you look over the m2m admin inlines section in the docs?  
The usage of `model = Group.members.through` might be a hint, and then 
there's additional info on working with intermediary models as well.

On Friday, October 19, 2012 4:09:10 AM UTC-5, Louise OTT wrote:
> Hello all !
> I posted my problem on stackoverflow but I didn't get any answer. I think 
> this is something really simple. I just need to fullfill my database via a 
> ManyToMany field... Why doesn't it work ? I don't know, but I am 
> desperate...
> I give you the link : 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12918651/adding-values-in-my-database-via-a-manytomany-relationship-represented-in-admin
> It would be fan-ta-stic if you would know the answer...
> Here is the copy/paste :

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