Hey Gang, I have to Command class below which utilizes args from the
command line.
I would like to have sub-arguments to some of these,
e.g. python manage.py template3d -c --file some_template.html another.html

This would execute the [-c] parameter and also pass those html names
to a [--file] option.

It is proving very difficult to find answers on the net.

class Command(BaseCommand):

  help='Coverts django templates for use with the Template3D system.
Obfuscates and minimizes Javascript, CSS, and HTML'
  option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
  make_option('-o', '--optimize', action='store_true', dest='optimize',
            default=False, help='Convert all templates in the into the
templates3d format without any code minification.'),
  make_option('-c', '--compile', action='store_true', dest='closure',
            default=False, help='Compile all templates. (Includes
minimizing: Javascript, CSS, and HTML).'),
  make_option('-u', '--unoptimize', action='store_true', dest='unoptimize',
            default=False, help='Reverts all templates to the
non-optimized original version.'),
  make_option('-U', '--uncompile', action='store_true', dest='uncompile',
            default=False, help='Reverts all templates to the
non-minimzed original version.'),
  make_option('-d', '--create-directories', action='store_true', dest='create',
            default=False, help='Automatically creates the directory
structure contained in the STANDARD_TEMPLATE_DIRS to the

  def handle(self, *args, **options):
    template_3d = template3d()

    if options['create']:

I appreciate your time, Robert.

Bust0ut, Surgemcgee: Systems Engineer ---
"Bringing entertainment to Unix"

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