I wouldn't say that Django is not suitable for web development. Even when 
someone says it's not, it's just an opinion, but in general, Django is 
framework for web development.

A1: Django has many batteries included. Database access through object 
relational model and form processing are just two parts from whole bunch. 
Checkout the documentation for latest stable version of 
Django https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/

A2: I admit that I don't know exactly what CGI means, but you actually can 
deploy Django using FastCGI. I'm using WSGI, which is recommended method 
right now. Please checkout documentation for more 
details https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/howto/deployment/fastcgi/

A3: I believe you can. Do you know pinterest.com, disgus.com, 
instagram.com? They're all written in Django. Please checkout the homepage 
of Djangoproject for more https://www.djangoproject.com/ (column Sites 
using django) or directly http://www.djangosites.com. Some of these sites 
have source code available.

My conclusion is: Django is suitable for web development. It's a great 
project with perfect documentation and community. Checkout the tutorial, 
it's really helpful https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/intro/tutorial01/


Dne středa, 10. října 2012 7:24:26 UTC+2 Sarbjit singh napsal(a):
> First of all, I am very sorry for asking this basic question. I am not 
> sure if this is the right place to put this question but I am very confused.
> I am not having much experience with web development, so i don't know 
> where the Django fits in here. I searched a lot on internet, few forums 
> suggested to use Django for websites and few mentioned that Django is not 
> for web development. So i have couple of basic questions and i want to be 
> sure that i am on right track in learning Django.
> Q: There are simple websites which just serves static contents and other 
> site which deals with forms and data base. I have once used PHP for form 
> processing and using it with DB. If i have to design such websites using 
> Python, Is Django suitable for the following or there are some other 
> modules which needs to be used.
> Q: Is Django a substitute to CGI for dynamic web generation.
> Q: Can i use Django for development of a full fledged website.

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