Sorry if this is a dumb question, just picking up Django.

I've set up a payments form, to create payments associated with a contact 
(see payments model) however I'm having trouble figuring out how to save 
the payment with the relevant contact associated, as the contact isnt 
selected as part of the form (its in the URL instead).  I've included both 
the payment view and the view for processing it, my current approach 
results in a validation error. Anyone able to help?



class Payment(models.Model):
    amount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
    date = models.DateField()
    contact = models.ForeignKey(Contact)

def payments_view(request, contact_id):
    contact = get_object_or_404(Contact, pk=contact_id)
    payments = Payment.objects.filter(contact=contact_id)
    rctx = RequestContext(request,{
        'contact': contact, 'payments': payments, 'form' : PaymentForm()
    return render_to_response('CRMSite/contact_payments.html',rctx)

def save_payment(request,contact_id):
        return payments_view(request, contact_id)

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