
Sorry for the beginner's question, but I have a behaviour which looks like
a bug to me and wanted to know if someone could advise me on this.


I have added a models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True) to my model and now I
cannot see any row in the admin page, even if the filter shows that there
is 0 of 30 selected. Would someone know why?

*In more details*

I have added "related_prod = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True)" to my
product model and also added the related_prod to the admin fields list.
When going into the list of products in the admin page, all products have
disappeared. I can still access to the individual product by going to the
specific product page (something like admin/product/3) and everything seems
to work correctly here, including the new related_prod. Also, I can get the
list of products in the shell by doing product.objects.all().

*What I'm trying to achieve*

What I'm trying to achieve is to have a related product to another one but
only in one direction. For instance, I want product A referring to product
B, product B referring to product C and product Z refering to product B.
The usual ManyToManyField doesn't seems to work here as if I set product A
referring to product B, product B will also refer to product A and this is
not what I want.


I'm using Django 1.4 with the latest Satchmo e-commerce platform. I beleive
the question isn't really related to Satchmo as it is very specific to


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