
I have an abstract base class, Person, with three children:
Applicants, Students and Staff.

I have two questions.

As per docs 
I have three managers for the Abstract class:

people = models.Manager()
men = MaleManager()
women = FemaleManager()

with the appropriate definitions.

For some reason, I can't get

<child_class>.men.all() or <child_class>.women.all() to work. Any tips?

Secondly, I want the dob and gender to be using special widgets, so in
admin.py I have:

class PersonAdminForm(ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Person
        widgets = {
            'dob': SelectDateWidget(),
            'gender': RadioSelect(),

but then when I add the form to the StudentAdminForm or
ApplicantAdminForm, it fails on the first field that's not in Person.

Is there anyway to have a generic admin form?


...we look at the present day through a rear-view mirror. This is
something Marshall McLuhan said back in the Sixties, when the world
was in the grip of authentic-seeming future narratives. He said, “We
look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards
into the future.”


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