Hi all, please, i need your help.

I use suprocess module, executing 'stockfish' uci engine, like: engine = 
subprocess.Popen('stockfish', stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

My module use opened subprocess receiving some information from Django's 
form, for example - move like 'e2e4'

I use sessions to save information about engine and chess table, so, when 
the page is loading the first time, my engine works properly - it draws 
chesstable on the page and so on, using engine.stdin.write() method.

But when i use form to send user's move to the engine, Django says: I/O 
operation on closed file - right on the engine.stdin.write() line, and it 
seems that PIPEs were closed, but WHEN they were, i cant catch.

Can someone help me?

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