i was trying to display some text
it is in utf-8 in postgres and when it
 is displayed in firefox and ie, it gets displayed as some symols with
 4numbers in a box or so even for ' apostrophe please tell me how to
display this properly i try title.__str__

I'm assuming that you're dynamically generating some HTML document.  If
so, have you declared the "document encoding" in the HTML file to be
NeanderthalsÂ’ Last Stand Is Traced
here is the html file

and here the python code for inserting
filt= Cheetah.Filters.EncodeUnicode()

and code for retriving feeds
i use cheetah to display
    feedentry_dct=dict((i.id,web.query("select * from feed_entry where
feedtable_id = $i.id ORDER BY
updated desc, created",vars=locals())) for i in feedlist)

how it is displayed in the html file or cheetah template
#for i in $feedentry_dct[$blog.id]
<a href="$i.link">
thanks for your help

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