I can now show you what I really would like to write tests for.


The code I would like to test is in ajax_forms/views.py mainly the AjaxFormView 
and the AjaxModelFormView.

Any help is appreciated!

>> Is it a view mix in?
> The package actually already changed from containing a view mix in to actual 
> views that should be subclassed by the users using the package.
>> It's a bit difficult to tell you much without more information.
> For example, a view derived from FormView. Like I said the user should 
> subclass this view again as you would normally do with CBV.
> Currently the package is just a package/directory with views.py, models.py, 
> urls.py and of course __init__.py to make it a module.
> It's hard to test views without having an actual django project to test it 
> again, I think.  Correct me if I'm wrong here.
> So I created an example django project that is using this package in the 
> directory below the package, thus the directory containing the README, 
> setup.py etc .. files.
> The example app will hold a tests.py file which will contain my tests which 
> will be testing the actual functionality of my views.
> Basically I'm asking do I need an actual django project to test just a 
> views.py file or can I just write some tests without a containing django 
> project to test a views.py file.
> And if so, I'm kinda lost on how you would start on such a task.
>> A few you things that you may find useful or not for testing :
>> .  Test cases can override settings such as the urlconf 
>> .  There's a test client to test views 
>> .  Class based views can sometimes be tested without any of the former by 
>> just testing the methods in them 
>> .   You can always use mocking library 
>> .  Tests are basically just python code with a lot of asserts, you can 
>> always add viewed in them 
>> .  You can use fixtures for test data if you see fit
>> Hope this helps!
>> Thomas
>> On Sep 10, 2012 5:23 PM, "Jonas Geiregat" <jo...@geiregat.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've created a simple reusable django package. This package basically 
>> consists out of a views.py file, with some helper functions.
>> I want to write some tests for what's in this file. This file contains a 
>> mixin , so I probably can't test it directly.
>> What's the best way to test a django package ?
>> Do I need to include some kind of example project that, uses my mixin and 
>> has tests files just as one would test a normal django application ?
>> I've tried googling but, there's little about this. Most of the things I've 
>> found where related to testing actual django applications.
>> Any help is appreciated.
>> Jonas
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