For web applications, I'd recommend using JSON instead of XML:

It's easier to work with and Python has a json module which will convert
a Python dictionary to a JSON-formatted string ready to return to the
client. Most JS libraries also have functions to turn JSON-formatted
strings into JS objects and the other way around.


On 9/11/2012 1:23 PM, Sait Maraşlıoğlu wrote:
> For my skill levels, Ive started with python, then qt, pyqt,matplotlib
> ... and finnaly django, I m not complaining, django is just perfect. I
> m ok with django, I write and and I understand what I read. If I want
> to learn ios, answer is no, cause Ive been travelling alot lately
> among different enviroments and found django and now have to stop and
> learn it. Your approach about building a website and make it behave
> like an ios applcation seemed better for me. Recently I found twitters
> bootstrap, and responsive design, I think I can create a web site, for
> mobile phone. But I dont know its disadvantages
> When I first read api wrapper and hell about using xml :) I just
> intrested, cause it seems like its something u use to communicate with
> some other layer of programming.
> Recently I wrote a code look like this. its initial code and still has
> alot to do, have to do it modular and parametric.
> """
>     doc = Document()
>     rows = doc.createElement("rows")
>     doc.appendChild(rows)
>     head = doc.createElement("head")
>     rows.appendChild(head)
>     mycolumn = doc.createElement("column")
>     mycolumn.setAttribute("type", "ed")
>     mycolumn.setAttribute("sort", "str")
>     mycolumn.setAttribute("color", "red")
>     mycolumn.setAttribute("width", "150")
>     head.appendChild(mycolumn)
>     ctext = doc.createTextNode("This is a test!")
>     mycolumn.appendChild(ctext)
>     for e in Material.objects.all()[15:55]:
>         myrow = doc.createElement("row")
>         myrow.setAttribute("id", e.material)
>         rows.appendChild(myrow)
>         mycell = doc.createElement("cell")
>         myrow.appendChild(mycell)
>         ptext = doc.createTextNode(e.stext)
>         mycell.appendChild(ptext)
>         #print doc.toprettyxml(indent="  ")
>     data = doc.toprettyxml(indent=" ")
> """
> this is basically generates some xml and returns via httprequest using
> django, and it works. I use this xml to communicate with dhmtlx grids.
> I was thinking to write some code and make it parametric, with a lot
> of if loops.
> If I can do that, is it going to be an api wrapper :)
> its just what I understood, it may be complately another thing.
> On Tuesday, 11 September 2012 22:57:25 UTC+3, Kurtis wrote:
>     I can offer some information if you can share your "skill level"
>     when it comes to developing iOS and/or Django Applications.
>     1. Do you currently know how to program iOS Applications? If so,
>     do you have any experience writing iOS programs that can handle
>     HTTP Requests? If the answer to either of those is "no", then you
>     may want to dive in to some iOS coding first. Alternatively, skip
>     to #2:
>     2. Do you know how to program Django Applications? If so, do you
>     have a pretty good understanding of the Server-Client Paradigm?
>     There's many different approaches you can take to this problem.
>     One approach would be to create an iOS Application which uses a
>     Django Application as a "back-end". Another approach would be to
>     simply write a Django Application and use HTML to make the web
>     site look like a native iOS Application. There's pros and cons to
>     each of these methods. One or the other may be easier dependent
>     upon what you're trying to accomplish in this particular Mobile
>     Application as well as your skill level and how much
>     time/motivation you have to learn new technologies.
>     On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 3:41 PM, Sait Maraşlıoğlu
>     < <javascript:>> wrote:
>         What do you mean by api wrapper, ur previous link a bit
>         complicated and Im having a hard time understanding this term,
>         can u explain in a smiple manner?
>         On Tuesday, 11 September 2012 22:18:34 UTC+3, Cal Leeming
>         [Simplicity Media Ltd] wrote:
>             It would be a cold day in hell before I ever used XML for
>             an API ;)
>             There's a whole ton of API wrappers for Django (hell you
>             could write your own in under 50 lines of code), but here
>             is a pretty good one:
> <> 
>             Tastypie is a bit complex to look at, but it is sane and
>             ensures you keep to good security and design principles.
>             Hope this helps!
>             Cal
>             On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 7:56 PM, Ray Ch
>             <> wrote:
>                 Can you tell me how do i do that? 
>                 Do you have any kind of blog or tutorial which would
>                 help me out connecting the web API's with iphone.
>                 Do you suggest JSON or XML ?
>                 On Tuesday, September 11, 2012 4:09:35 PM UTC+5:30,
>                 Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] wrote:
>                     You can create a server side API for the app - but
>                     the actual interface is done using the methods
>                     mentioned by Mario previously.
>                     Cal
>                     On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Mario Gudelj
>                     <> wrote:
>                         Nope. You do objective c or html and js with
>                         something like phonegap
>                         On Sep 11, 2012 6:59 PM, "Sait Maraşlıoğlu"
>                         <> wrote:
>                             How do you create iphone applications via
>                             django.
>                             Application logic will be django but what
>                             about user interface, do we do that with
>                             django too?
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