That's exactly what I needed.  Thank you *very* much!

On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 8:44 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber <>wrote:

> On Mon, 3 Sep 2012 18:51:45 -0700 (PDT), Barry Morrison
> <> declaimed the following in
> gmane.comp.python.django.user:
> > Model:
> >
> > There can be many products.
>         Okay, a table of products...
> > There can be many distributors.
>         and a table of distributors
> > A product could have none or more distributors.
>         Normal intersect table behavior
> > A distributor could only distribute a single product once.
>         This clause is unclear...
> > A distributor could distribute all products.
> >
>         This clause is irrelevant -- it doesn't restrict the data (vs if
> you
> had some requirement that a distributor carrying products a..m is not
> allowed to carry product n)
> > I imagine a form (admin side):
> >
> > Product Name:
> > Product Description:
> > Product Image:
> >
> > Distributor 1: Radio Field/Boolean
> > Distributor 2: Radio Field/Boolean
> > Etc. etc.
> >
> > For some reason I can't wrap my head around this.
>         Your model (per the linked web page) current ties a product
> instance
>         In pseudo-SQL, you have defined
> create table Distributor
> (
>         ID      integer autoincrement primary key,      #django adds this
>         Name    varchar(255) not null,  #it is redundant to preface fields
> #with "distributor" when they are
> #IN the table Distributor
>         URL     varchar(255) null,              #URL type is django
> operation
>         Product boolean                 #this field is meaningless as
> #there is no product referenced
> #here
> );
> create table Product
> (
>         ID      integer autoincrement primary key,
>         Name    varchar(255) not null,
>         Description     blob,   #or some such large text field
>         Image   varchar(255) null,      #image type is django usage
>         Distributor     integer foreign key references Distributor (ID),
>                         #this basically says that this product can have
>                         #only ONE distributor
> );
>         What you really need is not a one-to-many link (one distributor can
> have many products, but each product can only have one distributor) but
> a many-to-many linkage.
> create table Distributor
> (
>         ID      integer autoincrement primary key,      #django adds this
>         Name    varchar(255) not null,
>         URL     varchar(255) null,
> );
> create table Product
> (
>         ID      integer autoincrement primary key,
>         Name    varchar(255) not null,
>         Description     blob,   #or some such large text field
>         Image   varchar(255) null,      #image type is django usage
> );
> create table ProductDistribution
> (
>         ID      integer autoincrement primary key,
>         ProductID       integer foreign key references Product(ID),
>         DistributorID   integer foreign key references Distributor(I),
>         unique (ProductID, DistributorID)
> );
>         As I understand it, Django will create the equivalent of
> ProductDistribution when you declare a many-to-many relationship in one
> of the parent tables.
> --
>         Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
>    HTTP://
> --
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