An example use case is if I need an admin backend with features for reports
and graphs, aside from other site configurations.

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 4:48 AM, Barry Morrison <> wrote:

> My $.02 cents.  It's great to have around while you're working, but my
> n00b experience taught me it left a lot to be desired so I rolled my own
> for the last two projects I built.
> FWIW, a local dev gave this quick presentation, and they did an incredible
> job on hacking the default admin
> she has also said that she's working on a custom admin
> So my advice. Use it as the tool that it is. Build what it can't do, don't
> spend more time on it than you have to.
> On Monday, September 3, 2012 8:38:24 AM UTC-7, Frankline wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm creating a site in Python/Django and feel that the admin backend, as
>> good as it is, may not be a one-fit-for-all situations.
>> My question is this:
>> Have any of you ever had a need to have a custom admin backend?
>> In what example situations would one create his/her own admin backend
>> rather than using the default admin panel that ships with Django?
>> What are the disadvantages of rewriting your own backend?
>> Regards,
>> Frank
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