I've just dropped and re-created my user account with required privileges, 
and all has gone as expected. Table auth_permission has 18 rows.

At the point where I'm prompted to create a superuser account, I made the 
mistake of resizing my terminal window, which resulted in exception 
EOFError being raised on the call to raw_input() in procedure 
create_superuser(). Sigh, and start again... This exception can be handled 
by calling raw_input() in a try block, and handling exception EOFError by 
(for example) shifting the cursor up one row by printing chr(27) +'[A' . 

Again, many thanks. I'm on my way with Django - looking like a great 

On Saturday, September 1, 2012 2:03:42 PM UTC+10, Jon Blake wrote:
> Thanks, Ian and Amyth, for your responses.
> I encountered the CREATE TRIGGER privilege issue early in my trials with 
> Django with the Oracle database back end - Django propagated an Oracle 
> "insufficient privileges" exception. That was quickly sorted by granting 
> the required privilege to my user account.
> On looking at ticket #17015 you pointed me to, it looks like I might have 
> stumbled over the same issue as in the reply to ikelly. My user did not 
> have the CREATE TRIGGER privilege the first time I tried to run syncdb, but 
> did have the CREATE_TABLE and CREATE_SEQUENCE privileges. After granting 
> the missing privilege and running syncdb again, I then got the ORA-01400 
> exception on table auth_permission.
> I'm guessing that the first table that oracle back end base.py creates is 
> auth_permission, and that the table and its primary key sequence were 
> successfully created, because the user had the required privileges. Module 
> base.py then terminated on attempting to create the trigger for the table. 
> After granting CREATE TRIGGER and running syncdb again, base.py noted that 
> table auth_permission exists, so nothing more needed to be done for that 
> table. Module base.py then went on and created the remaining tables, 
> sequences and triggers. Missing trigger auth_permission_tr -> no primary 
> key raised from auth_permission_sq -> ORA-01400 on table auth_permission 
> inserts.
> Querying column timestamp of view user_objects for tables, sequences and 
> triggers appears to confirm my understanding of what base.py does. I'll 
> drop and recreate my user account, and try again. I'll advise how this 
> goes. Does the Django doco have any specific documentation for the Oracle 
> back end? If so, I missed it! I'm happy to provide specific doco for the 
> Oracle back end if that would assist...
> Once again, many thanks
> Jon
> On Saturday, September 1, 2012 1:23:28 AM UTC+10, Ian wrote:
>> On Friday, August 31, 2012 12:10:54 AM UTC-6, Amyth wrote:
>>> Hey Jon,
>>> I guess this is because of a bug in django. Django already has a open 
>>> ticket for this bug. Check it out 
>>> here<https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/17015>
>>> . 
>> As described in that ticket, the reason for the problem is probably just 
>> that the Django user does not have the CREATE TRIGGER privilege, which it 
>> needs.  The bug in Django is just that this condition is not detected and 
>> reported at the time the table is created, instead of getting a rather more 
>> obscure error message at the time the table is populated.

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