I have a project created with cms Django, and in this project i must upload 
a image and pdf file. the code in models.py is as follow:

The file with this step to upload, is inserted in correct folder, but the 
file not work.

In Administrator panel, when i click on image or pdf file, that i uploaded, 
the browser tell me Page not found (404). The current URL, 
home/alessandro/Scrivania/progetto/static/finale/header_blog.jpg, didn't 
match any of these.

I have verifed the permission, but i have in default chmod 777.

Any ideas?

I have follow also this tutorial youtube:Video From 
 have the same code, but not result.

Any Ideas? Where is my error?

I can send the zip folder with the project, if you want.

I try, also, edit the code of models.py in:

but the error there is.Now, I think what I not write correctly the 
configuration in settings.py. Media_Root, Media_Url, Static_Root, 
Static_Url are empty. There parameters should not be empty, true? I 
developer in localhost (on Linux/Ubuntu), web server Apache. What should i 
write as configuration?

With second link, the result is: The object albax with primary key 
u'20/static/finale/Magic_green_bus_1.jpg' not exits.

But the Image file, there is in correct file.

Or the Problem is in urls.py, the code is: http://dpaste.com/793124/

Any Ideas?

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