Here's an example of one of my tables.

class NeedsTable(tables.Table):
    needQuantity = tables.Column()
    prod_id = tables.Column()
    description = tables.LinkColumn('needsdetail', args=[A('pk')])
    department = tables.Column()
    order = tables.Column()
    priority = tables.Column(accessor='order.event.priority')
    show = tables.Column(accessor='')
    preppedQuantity = tables.Column()
    prepdate = tables.Column()
    class Meta:
        order_by = 'priority'
        attrs = {'class': 'general_table'} - 
url(r'^qcarea/needs/detail/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', 'needs.views.needsdetail', 

LinkColumn uses reverse() to get its view and you use the Accessor(A) to 
pass the pk to the args of the reverse call.  This means that you must name 
your URL in your  

In your example, I can't quite figure out what you are attempting with the 
TemplateColumn.  To me it seems like you need to create two link columns.  
Good Luck

On Thursday, August 23, 2012 1:28:01 PM UTC-4, Robert wrote:
> Hi All,
>             I would like to ask something, I´m trying to render a table 
> using *Django-tables2 *and that table has a link column that I want to 
> link with another page, I cant figure out how can I link my model, and pass 
> my PK to  Here’s My code:
> ############ 
> *##  ##*
> ############
> class Projetos(models.Model):
>     #FIELDS
>     nome_projeto = models.CharField("Projeto", max_length=150, 
> null='true',)
>     desc_oferta = models.CharField("Descrição da oferta", max_length=500, 
> null='true',) #aumentar
>     integrador = models.CharField("Integrador", max_length=150, 
> null='true',)
>     contend_provider = models.CharField("Contend Provider", 
> max_length=150, null='true',)
>     marca_servico = models.CharField("Marca do Serviço", max_length=150, 
> null='true',)
>     valor_retry = models.IntegerField("Valor de retry", null='true',)
>     la =  models.IntegerField("Large account", null='true',)
>     lanc_comercial = models.DateField("Lançamento comercial", null='true')
>     term_projeto = models.DateField("Término do projeto", null='true')
>     data_acordo = models.DateField("Data de Acordo", null='true')
>     data_revisao = models.DateField("Data de Revisão", null='true')
>     ura_id =  models.IntegerField("URA ID", null='true')
>     ura_desc = models.CharField("Descição URA",max_length=150, null='true')
> *############*
> *##  ##*
> *############*
> TEMPLATE = '''
>    <a href="{% url project_docs  %}" >Edit</a>
>    <a href="{% url project_edit  %}" >&nbsp upload</a>
> '''
> class ProjetosMain(tables.Table):
>         pdb.set_trace()
>         nome_projeto = 
> tables.Column(verbose_name='Projeto',orderable=False)
>         integrador = 
> tables.Column(verbose_name='Integrador',orderable=False)
>         contend_provider = tables.Column(verbose_name='CP',orderable=False)
>         status = tables.Column(verbose_name='Status',orderable=False)
>         term_projeto = 
> tables.Column(verbose_name='Vigencia',orderable=False)
>         Acoes = tables.TemplateColumn(TEMPLATE)
>         class Meta:
>             attrs = {'class': 'bordered'}
> *#########*
> *## ##*
> *#########*
> urlpatterns = patterns('',
>     # Main Page portal
>     (r'^$', portal_main_page),
>     # Home Page
>     (r'home/$', portal_main_page),
>     # Project Page
>     url(r'projetos/$', projetos_main_page),
>     url(r'projetos/?P<project_id>\d{1,2,3,4}/edit/', project_edit, 
> name="project_edit"),
>     url(r'projetos/?P<project_id>\d{1,2,3,4}/docs/', project_docs, 
> name="project_docs"),
>     # Upload File
>     (r'^uploadfile/$', uploadfile),
>     (r'^uploadsuccess/$', uploadsuccess),
> )
> Best Regards / Muito Obrigado,
> --
> Roberto Ferreira Junior
> <javascript:>
> 11 98009942

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