How do I create a read only datatime field with a custom admin?

Here is the psudo code from what I've done:


class myAdminForm(forms.ModelForm):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

           super(myAdminForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)


self.fields['Created_date'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = 'readonly'


class myAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):


    change_form_template= 'my_change_form_admin.html'

    form = myAdminForm


    #readonly_fields = ['Created_date', 'Modified_date']

usrAdminSite.register(myMdl, myAdmin)


For 'my_change_form_admin.html' I've started with the admins 'change_form.html' and tweaked it. Since I want to access the individual fields I've removed:


{% for fieldset in adminform %}
{% include "admin/includes/fieldset.html" %}
{% endfor %}


and replaced it with code like 'adminform.form.Created_date'.

This worked fine till I tried to give 'Created_date' a read only attribute. In myAdmin if I add <readonly_fields = ['Created_date',]> then 'adminform.form.Created_date' no longer exists.

Next in 'myAdminForm' I added <self.fields['Created_date'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = 'readonly'> but this seems to be ignored. I also tried <self.fields['Created_date'].widget.attrs['readonly'] = True> with the same effect.

How should I create a read only datatime field?  I'm using Django 1.3.


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