Thanks !

In my application, I want to upload  image files(such as *.iso) which
are always large, it will take long time before the uploading
completed. During this time, I cannot  send out other request on
current page, because a new request will refresh the current page and
make the uploading failed. My aim is that after I click the Upload
button, the file uploading is processed in backend, I can send out
other request  simutanously. Firstly , I tried to get the stream, and
write  new handler to replace the exsiting processing. But after I
read the source code , I find that the input stream got by django is
activity limited,  it only can be read once, once reading is started,
the current page shouldn't be refresh, or else the stream reading will
be failed.
Is it realizable to  uploading backend and simutanously send other
request on current page, and the uploading won't interrupt because of
leaving this page?

Thanks again!
Yours,  C. Y. Lee

On 8月8日, 上午11时53分, Russell Keith-Magee <>
> On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 10:11 AM, 春燕 李 <> wrote:
> >       As you know, Django can process file uploading with its own
> > uploadhandler. But all the request data is processed as stream, and
> > mod_wsgi provides a way to read the stream,  what you can do is just
> > read the stream sequentially, which means that you cannot separate
> > file stream from the request input stream. When you  upload file ,  it
> > won't response immediately , you have to wait till file uploading has
> > completed.
> > Is there  any way  to separate file stream from request input stream,
> > so I can  process and save the file independently  to avoid long time
> > waiting during file uploading?
> Yes, it is possible. What you need to do is separate the file upload
> from the page request.
> A good example of how this works is inside Gmail itself. When you
> attach a file to an email in Gmail, the Gmail interface disables the
> send button, and sets up a background request (stimulated by
> Javascript) that uploads the file. When the background file upload
> completes, the Javascript handling the upload request reenables the
> "send" button. You then send your email, submitting the non-file
> content to the server.
> There isn't anything particularly special you need to do from a Django
> perspective -- the file upload is handled using a normal
> file-uploading view. The only difference is on the user interface
> side, because the user is effectively interacting with *2* views --
> one that they can see, and one that is hidden and only used by the
> background upload.
> A quick search of Google will give you lots of examples of how to
> handle background file uploads in this way.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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