I have an app where a user submits some forms. Now I want the user to be 
able to edit his previous submitted forms.
 So on the template(e.g old_Webrequests.html) I just load a list with links 
corresponding to every submitted form(view:old_Webreqs(request,user_id)). 
{% for a in all_reqs %}
<li><a  href="#" id="{{ a.id }}" >{{ a }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

According to user's choice I perform an ajax request to a 
view(edit_wreqs(request, user_id, wr_id )) passing the selected form's 
id in order to query the object from the db.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
 $("a").on("click", function(event) {
  var id = $(this).attr("id");
  $.get("edit_wreqs"+"/"+id+"/", function(data) {
At this point I suppose I will load an instance of that object. But how can 
I return this instance to the template where the user submits the form(eg 
main_Webrequests.html) the time the user hits the link?Or how the template 
will be loaded the time the user hits the link?With my code when the user 
hits the link the requested object is printed in the terminal but nothing 
changes on the screen.

def edit_wreqs(request, user_id, wr_id ):
    f = Webrequests.objects.get(id=wr_id)
    print f
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = WebrequestsForm(data=request.POST, own_id=u_id, instance=f) 
        if form.is_valid():
                return render_to_response('success.html', locals(), 
context_instance= RequestContext(request))
        form = WebrequestsForm(instance=f) 

    return render_to_response('main_Webrequests.html', locals(), 
context_instance= RequestContext(request))

Where am I wrong?

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