I'm having problems share models between 3 different apps.
The models that I share the common app.

project /
common / models.py
app1/models.py -> import from common.models
app2/models.py -> import from common.models

If I configure the application and only the most common one
app, I have no problems "INSTALLED_APPS (" common "," app1 ")."
Have to add the two applications that reference the application
common settings on my second application does not encounter
models defined in "common".
I've tried changing the order of configuration INSTALLED_APPS
But it still fails.

Thanks for the help

*Ivo Marcelo Leonardi Zaniolo*
*Cel: +55 71 9302-3400*
*Cel: +55 41 8804-8620*
*Email: *imarcel...@gmail.com

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