On Thursday, 2 August 2012 15:31:54 UTC+1, Gregory Thompson Jr. wrote:
>    1. def login(request):
>    2.     m = Member.objects.get(username=request.POST['username'])
>    3.     if m.password == request.POST['password']:
>    4.         request.session['member_id'] = m.id
>    5.         return HttpResponse("You're logged in.")
>    6.     else:
>    7.         return HttpResponse("Your username and password didn't 
>    match.")
> How about that for starters?
> The documentation goes from that to explaining how to set cookies.  How do 
> they expect me to understand what's going on?
> There's absolutely NO explanation of what's going on in that code.  
>         request.session['member_id'] = m.id 
> How the hell does that work?  
> They don't tell you where the session is started, how, what the scope of 
> the session declaration is, etc...  
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFd9NLZFmvo&playnext=1&list=PL6CB0A9FA1D9C736A&feature=results_video
> See that video?  The video shows you how to use sessions very quickly. 
>  How did the person in the video get ALL of that code from just the 
> documentation? 
> If all readers in this thread and kindly tackle each point I made, I 
> promise you your own KFC when I start my empire.  Until then, I really just 
> need someone to give me the step-by-step on this one.  I'm completely new 
> to the framework and the documentation thus far has not been helpful.  I've 
> mainly gotten by with the help of StackOverflow, IRC, and random code 
> snippets online -- and occasionally, some outdated books.  
> If you don't want to explain or aren't going to ask me progressive 
> questions with regards to my confusion, please just skip over my plight.
> Thank you all.

I don't understand why you think you need to know these things in order to 
use sessions. If you want to understand how assigning to a session is 
implemented, you're free to dive into the code itself. But that's literally 
*all you need to do* in order to use the session in the view (assuming 
you've followed the rest of the instructions on that page, eg added the 

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