ahh okay,

then I simply create two model forms.

class CreateURLForm(ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        fields = ('url', 'name') # This will restrict the user to only
modifying this data
        model = URLModel # Or whatever your model is called

class UpdateURLForm(ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        fields = ('name',) # Restrict user only to modifying the name
        model = URLModel

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Paul <pee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That would be an option as well indeed. In fact i have 1 (base)-form for
> the model that i subclass for create, read and update operations. The
> difference is that create and update have a submit button, read doesn't,
> and in the read view, the fields are read-only.
> The website becomes authenticated using a background process, the idea is
> that as soon as it becomes authenticated the url cannot be changed any more.
> I have tested with readonly=True which works correctly apart from the fact
> that i don't think it's safe to only make the field readonly, i want to add
> some logic in the post-logic as well (so for example using custom
> validation).
> A simpler alternative is to remove the 'update' button altogether, but
> also in this case the view should also throw a 404 or 500 just in case
> someone manually modifies the url.... (which is by the way very easy to do
> so).
> Paul
> Op maandag 30 juli 2012 00:00:48 UTC+2 schreef Kurtis het volgende:
>> Just to get some more information about the problem; Do you allow your
>> users to initially insert the Name+URL? When does this become
>> "authenticated"?
>> Maybe you could have two forms. One that allows users to add new Name+URL
>> Objects (not sure what your object/Model is called) and another to allow
>> them to edit (Using Django's 'fields' meta attribute to limit them to only
>> modify the "Name" of the object)
>> On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 5:47 PM, Paul wrote:
>>> I have a model for Websites that has 3 fields: name, url and
>>> authenticated. With a form both the name and url can be changed, but when
>>> the website is authenticated i don't want to allow that the url changes.
>>> I'm thinking about making the url (form) field readonly but in html the
>>> field becomes still an input field (just with readonly="True"), so i have
>>> doubts whether hackers will be able to post a changed value anyhow (i'll
>>> need to test this).
>>> Another approach is to add some custom form validation against the
>>> (current) model, but i have doubts whether validation is the solution for
>>> this?
>>> Thanks for any directions
>>> Paul
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