On Wednesday, 25 July 2012 02:42:45 UTC+1, Matthew Meyer wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to load the url of a model created with get_absolute_url() 
> programmatically in my view. There are basically three steps I need to 
> accomplish this:
> 1. make sure @permalink is working correctly. This step I am fairly 
> confident I have completed. Here is the model I use: 
> http://dpaste.org/nH0cZ/
> 2. make sure I am rendering the url correctly in my view: 
> http://dpaste.org/FOGjs/ 
> This view is fairly involved. The return statement on line 12 is where I 
> am trying to load the url. In a nutshell, if the request is GET this view 
> renders a form for the user which they can use to fill some fields in a 
> model. one of the fields they fill ("name") I want to use as my the 
> rendered url, which is why I am trying to pass {'event': Event} on line 
> 12 when request.method == 'POST' and the user has submitted the form. 
> Right now when the user submits the post, the event_page.hml loads but 
> without the event object url.
> 3. make sure my urlconfs are working:: http://dpaste.org/LPdfK/ Not 
> positive here, but I know this is fairly simple to most. I just tried to 
> follow what the docs had for get_absolute_url and @permalink (
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/instances/?from=olddocs#django.db.models.permalink)
> Something is wrong though because the "view on website" button in admin is 
> leading to a permalinked url that doesn't match.
> As you can see, I am quite a bit lost and could really use some guidance. 
> Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Your problem is in step 2. `Event` is the model class itself, but you want 
to render the URL for a particular instance of that class. Presumably you 
want the event that has been created by the form. I don't understand why 
you are using a formset though: that implies you are creating multiple 
events, whereas you talk about showing the URL for a single event, which 
makes more sense. Sounds like you should use a simple ModelForm, and if 
it's valid do `event = form.save()` - now you can pass that `event` object 
to the template.

Finally, note that rendering a template directly after a POST is a bad 
idea, as the documentation explains. You should always redirect to a new 
page: you could redirect directly to the new event's URL if you like.

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