> Thanks, the first example is exactly that i want. I try it in the Django
> Shell and it works, but; How I show the results in the template?
> Maybe I'm wrong, but I try to pass like  { 'empresas':
> Empresa.objects.all().select_related() } ,and only can show the 'Empresa'
> attributes on the loop.
> I  do something like this
> {% for a in empresa%}
>   a.slogan
>   a.descripcion
>   a.platillo.fotografia
> {% endfor %}

as I said, you need to do a loop like the one I showed in python, but
in the template

say, for example

{% for empresa in empresas %} {# keeping your plurals straight is good
practice! #}
    {% for sucursal in empresa.sucursal_set.all %}
        {% for platillo in empresa.platillo_set.all %}
            {% for horario in empresa.horario_set.all %}
               empresa.slogan<br />
               empresa.descripcion<br />
               platillo.fotografia<br />
               horario.foobar<br />
           {% endfor %}
       {% endfor %}
   {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

"The whole of Japan is pure invention. There is no such country, there
are no such people" --Oscar Wilde


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