On 16 heinä, 14:38, Sithembewena Lloyd Dube <zebr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a queryset of categories and would like to exclude categories with
> no items associated. I am cycling through the queryset as follows, without
> the desired result:
> for cat in categories:
>                 if cat.item_set.count() == 0:
>                     categories.exclude(pk=cat.pk)

Querysets are always cloned on calling a method, so the right syntax
    categories = categories.exclude(pk=cat.pk).
For efficiency reasons you might want to collect all the pks into a
list, and then after the loop do one:
    categories = categories.exclude(pk__in=pk_list)

The queryset cloning can be expensive if you do a lot of operations.

Of course, the annotation way given downthread is likely to be the
most effective way to do this.

 - Anssi

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