Hi all!

Hope you still remember this post which helps dive into django. I have gone
really ahead with my developments, and now i'm willing to make some
optimization and have some few issues. I don't know if I should open a new
thread for each one. You will tell me, but I prefered to do it here because
the initial thread was this one.

- First I can't use the HttpResponseRedirect() method in my application, it
does not work like it should. In fact in my models module, I have a
JobHistory class and a member function in that class which returns a link
for the listdisplay of that model in the admin module.
But when the id i'm looking for in the database does not exist, i would
like to redirect the user to a custum error page. And to that I used
HttpResponseRedirect() wich is unable to return the right address to the
browser. I tried such things, read the documentation several times but
nothing. I thought it was the reverse function which does not locate the
page but no, because even with google address the browser receive a
response address with some headers concatanated, and the browser cannot
access the page, cause it has an invalid address:
the code line in the models module:
        def get_executing_user_url(self):
                user_list = SystemUser.objects.filter(systemuser_name =
self.job_executing_user, host = self.job.host)
                if not user_list:
                        return HttpResponse('http://www.google.com/')
                        #return HttpResponseRedirect(''
% reverse('fancycron.views.job_exec_user_error',
                        return '../systemuser/%s/' %

You can see I've even tried to hardput the server address, but it did not
work, and I even tested with google and it didn't work too. Tell me if I
missed something in the use of HttpResponseRedirect. The error is not a
django error, but the returned address is just not accessible each any time
i try.

- The second issue is that I have implement my middleware (django) and
remote backend communication using django signals. It works, but as you can
expected, it's synchronous, and I would like now to do it asynchronously.
Is Celery the best option? If yes, could you please indicate me the
simplest and efficient way to set that up? Anyway, ho can I send messages
to my remote backend, without block in my browser rendering?

Some good and working tutorials are welcome.

Thank you a lot guys.
Eugène NG

2012/5/20 Eugène Ngontang <sympav...@gmail.com>

> Yes you're right Marc!
> It's just that I wanted to mention the fact my application is not only a
> web site accessible via a web browser only, but a client-server application
> with web-based GUI.
> But now things are clear, we're all now ok with the problematic and with
> your help and great responses, i noticed it's better to do all my system
> communication based on HTTP.
> I thank you for all your attention, all new ideas are still well come, and
> i'll let you follow up the evelution of the development.
> Thanks guys.
> 2012/5/20 Marc Aymerich <glicer...@gmail.com>
>> On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 8:01 PM, Eugène Ngontang <sympav...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi Jani.
>> > I don't know why you say
>> >
>> > " 3) Are you now trying to figure out how to plug in Django in "Adming
>> > module/PC with GUI block"?"
>> >
>> > My admin module and the gui do not share anything. They are not on the
>> same
>> > pc.
>> > Gui is for displaying and admin for the page content management like
>> any web
>> > aplication works.
>> >
>> > I please us unot to build a myster arround this thread. The problem was
>> > simple:
>> HI Eugène,
>> the problem was simple, but all we have misunderstood you because
>> usually the term GUI is used to refer "desktop application" rather
>> than a web page, which seems to be the case.
>> br
>> --
>> Marc
>> --
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> --
> ngont...@epitech.net
> sympav...@gmail.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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