What you have just explained seems to be a good option! Is the option to 
> use latitude and longitude a very common one? I'm not 
> as familiar as to which options of calculation have known to be the most 
> stable, usable, fast, or efficient. Or there is any common
> knowledge about the such thing.

Well with (lat, long) you can point to any place on earth, it's like having 
an (x,y) point on a cartesian plane. 
And yes, it is the standard method.

> Here's what I'm thinking. First the user enters their town for example so 
> Vienna, VA. Then they choose how far from their location so 25 miles. But 
> then they also have an advanced search option where they can refine their 
> request even more. They are able to play around with a Google Map on the 
> side and zoom into their physical house location on the map and put a 
> marker/point there of some sort. This could be lat/long I don't know yet. 
> This way if that data checks out they get and even more accurate 
> representation of the artists in their area. Any thoughts or opinions on 
> how you think I
> should go about this?
With the (lat,long) that belongs to the user position yo can then ask for a 
radius in blocks, meters o whatever.
So, now you can get the surface of a circle and with some basic math you go 
through your db checking if any artist
are inside the limit of that circle.

> Thanks so much! 
> JJ 
> On Sunday, July 15, 2012 10:22:53 AM UTC-4, Nicolas Emiliani wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 1:58 AM, JJ Zolper <codinga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So heres my goal:
>>> The user logins in and goes to a discover page. They enter a distance 
>>> from their location as the requested results scope. Lets say 25 miles from 
>>> where I live for example. Additionally they could pick like a genre or 
>>> music but not as important.
>>> So they hit seach and see in a 25 mile spanse in all directions in a 
>>> circle form the closest artists to their location. From there they can see 
>>> the top result and click that and step through the top results from 1 to 2 
>>> to 3.... To top 10 and so on as much as their heart desires.
>>> So i was thinking maybe GeoIP might be good because it will use the 
>>> users location and last known GeoIP of the artist for example.
>> I'm currently developing a project based on google maps, and it sounds 
>> that you might want to take a look at their API,
>> You could use markers (latitude and longitude) for your artists, ask the 
>> user to place themselves on the map and then
>> calculate if they are on the wanted area or not.
>> https://developers.google.com/maps/
>> I was curious if anyone had any ideas or better ideas then I had.
>>> Thanks so much,
>>> JJ Zolper
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>> Nicolas Emiliani
>> Lo unico instantaneo en la vida es el cafe, y es bien feo.

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