Thanks for the reply Melvyn and Babatunde. So my script is, using the
parameters, to search in a database and then spitting out the output back
as CSV.
I wish to return the CSV and also display the output in the table on my
html template.
Ok, so adding it to view makes more sense, but how do i connect or execute
that view, on the click of the submit button??
On Jul 7, 2012 1:42 AM, "Melvyn Sopacua" <> wrote:

> On 7-7-2012 0:20, Smaran Harihar wrote:
> > I am trying to execute a python script on submit button on a html file.
> >
> > So i have created a view which renders a html template file and on
> > 'submit', I wish to send few parameters to the py script.
> >
> > I wanted to know,
> >
> > 1. where should I keep my py script?
> Anywhere you want. It's probably best you describe what your script
> does. We don't really understand why you want to execute a script and
> not just put that code in a view function.
> Other than that, a python script you want to execute is no different
> than a sh script or binary command, so you'll need to use python's
> subprocess or os module functions, pass arguments in proper shell syntax
> and read output.
> --
> Melvyn Sopacua
> --
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