On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 3:29 AM, Scott Woodall <scott.wood...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Would there be any issues with creating a single file contains common django
> modules I use, then importing that file into my views, models etc.
> Example:
> common_imports.py
> ===============
> from django.conf import settings
> from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
> ....
> Then in any other file I need to import django stuff into, I just import my
> common_imports.py
> views.py
> =======
> from my_project.common_imports import *
> This saves me from having to retype all the django imports repeatedly atop
> my files. That and I can never remember the paths so I'm always hitting the
> docs looking up where to import stuff from.
> I'm just looking for the downside of this pattern.

Will it work? Sure. Will it be a massive performance hit, or anything
like that? No. There might be some problems with module-level state,
but that's hard to predict without knowing exactly which modules
you're using.

However, regardless of any *technical* problems, I'd advise against it
as bad engineering practice.

Lets say you go down this path, and come up with whatever you consider
to be a 'common subset', and put that in your common_imports list.

Now a new engineer joins your project. You say you're having trouble
remembering the import paths for all the Django bits; you've just put
exactly the same mental load on your new team member. They need to
know what is and what isn't in the common imports module. Django's
import paths are common across every Django project. The contents of
your "common" package isn't. So while common imports might be
convenient to you, they won't necessarily be for anyone else. Django's
import paths are numerous, but they are mostly sensible, so they *can*
be memorised with time, and most experienced Django engineers would
know the common imports really well. By adding the import abstraction,
you've just made it harder (not immensely harder, but a little harder)
for a random individual with experience to join your project.

Now you realize that HttpNotAuthorized is something you're starting to
use a lot, so you put that into your common_imports list. Except that
some of your views already have HttpNotAuthorized imported. So you've
got duplicated imports, and you need to do an audit of your codebase
to find all the places where you've got older explicit imports of

Now you decide to use linting tools as part of your development stack.
Your wrapped imports will make it harder for those linters to do their
job, and they'll probably miss some easy-to-prevent errors.

For me, it comes down to the Zen of Python. TZoP advises that explicit
is better than implicit; explicitly naming each import rather than an
implicit group import is a great example of this adage in practice,
IMHO. Yes, this means there's a learning curve where you have to
memorise the import paths for all the common Django bits; but in the
long run, I don't think it will take as long to get familiar with
these as you fear.

Russ Magee %-)

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