On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 7:29 AM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] <
cal.leem...@simplicitymedialtd.co.uk> wrote:

> -1 on removing spaceless.
> On pages where you have lots of rows in a loop, the amount of whitespace
> you end up with can massively increase page loading times.
> Sure, you could use whitespace stripping middleware I guess, but some
> people prefer not to have that.
> I agree that spaceless does make code look a little ugly, but without you
> would end up with people putting big loops on 1 single line, just to avoid
> the whitespace.

hm, I wanted to pick your guys' brain again

What prompted my initial email was me trying to get the server response
time down.   I guess that's a different than page load time  (which feels
to me like a more worthwhile thing to look at if you're trying to make your
site go fast...), but I got assigned a bug to just get the 'response time'
down for this one supposedly slow page etc. etc.

I'm basically just using django-debugtoolbar, looking at that CPU Time row,
and seeing what I can remove or tweak from the template to bring that
number down.

One thing that I found that would bring the *CPU time* down by a bit was
removing the {% spaceless %} tags littered around everywhere in the template

yeah, I wouldn't outright remove it, but maybe just change the docs to say
how it should or should not be used

> Cal
> On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Masklinn <maskl...@masklinn.net> wrote:
>> On 6 juil. 2012, at 02:29, Micky Hulse <rgmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 5:00 PM, Russell Keith-Magee
>> > <russ...@keith-magee.com> wrote:
>> >> Good question. I'm not really sure *what* it's supposed to be used
>> >> for. Trimming whitespace to reduce page size is one possible use; the
>> >
>> > If you develop for IE6, there's the IE6 whitespace bug. One fix, that
>> > I know of, is to remove all whitespace around the HTML.
>> >
>> > I never use the spaceless tag myself, but just thought I would mention
>> > another way one could utilize the tag.
>> >
>> An other use case is that whitespace is significant in parts of HTML: in
>> code blocks of course but also *between inline elements*. In that case,
>> spaceless tends to be more maintainable than removing all white space by
>> hand end getting a single huge line.
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