I'm not exactly sure, I usually try to avoid SOAP. But perhaps something
like this? http://www.w3schools.com/soap/soap_example.asp. You'll have
to modify it to match your SOAP app, of course.

Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, SOAP may not be your best
option. I tend to prefer REST, and there are some good Django-compatible
libraries for implementing REST interfaces:
http://django-rest-framework.org/ (for example; there are others as well)


On 7/6/2012 10:32 AM, Jeff Silverman wrote:
> What should the XML look like?
> On Jul 6, 12:03 pm, Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar <nik.mol...@consbio.org>
> wrote:
>> Perhaps it's expecting XML in the request and trying to parse your POST data 
>> (which is not XML)?
>> _Nik
>> On Jul 6, 2012, at 6:03 AM, Jeff Silverman wrote:
>>> Ok Nik.  I have removed the CSRF middleware and get a brand new error.
>>> XMLSyntaxError at /hello/
>>> error parsing attribute name, line 1, column 6Request Method: POST
>>> Request URL:http://piadm42.troweprice.com:5555/hello/
>>> Django Version: 1.3.1
>>> Exception Type: XMLSyntaxError
>>> Exception Value: error parsing attribute name, line 1, column 6
>>> Exception Location: /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
>>> soaplib-2.0.0_beta1-py2.6.egg/soaplib/core/_base.py in
>>> _parse_xml_string, line 248
>>> Python Executable: /usr/bin/python
>>> Python Version: 2.6.6
>>> The POST in fiddler is something like this ->  http://mysite.com:5555/hello/
>>> and the request body contains -> <name=fred&times=2>
>>> On Jul 5, 10:35 pm, Nikolas Stevenson-Molnar <nik.mol...@consbio.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Yes, I would expect a 403 when the CSRF middleware is active, the
>>>> decorator is not used, and no CSRF token is provided. This is the
>>>> intended behavior. You can fix this in a few ways:
>>>>  1. Apply the decorator to the __call__ method (rather than to the class
>>>>     itself). If I understand how this code works, that should correctly
>>>>     disable CSRF for the view.
>>>>  2. Provide a CSRF value with the POST data, as you suggested. This all
>>>>     depends on how the request is made. Django's CSRF system relies on a
>>>>     CSRF value set in a cookie. You have to mimic a browsers cookie
>>>>     functionality, then use the value of the CSRF cookie with evey
>>>>     request you make. By default, the cookie name is 'csrftoken'. For
>>>>     more info on the CSRF process:
>>>>    https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/contrib/csrf/
>>>>  3. Disable CSRF altogether. Simply remove the CsrfViewMiddleware from
>>>>     your settings and you're good to go.
>>>> _Nik
>>>> On 7/5/2012 6:22 PM, Jeff Silverman wrote:
>>>>> Nik, if I remove the csrf decorator and leave the middleware in place,
>>>>> I get the 403.  Is there a way to add the token on the POST command,
>>>>> or is there another way of leaving the middleware in place, but turn
>>>>> off csrf without using the decorator?
>>>>> On Thursday, July 5, 2012 8:33:51 PM UTC-4, Jeff Silverman wrote:
>>>>>     Nik, I will give that a try.  The reason for the decorator was
>>>>>     that I was getting 403 forbidden, and the decorator made that one
>>>>>     go away.  If I remove the csrf from the settings file, will that
>>>>>     solve that problem?
>>>>>     On Tuesday, July 3, 2012 9:32:20 AM UTC-4, Jeff Silverman wrote:
>>>>>         Below is the code from the views.py
>>>>>         The405is retunred from the 'return super(DjangoSoapApp,
>>>>>         self).__init__(Application(services, tns))' statement.  I am
>>>>>         using
>>>>>         python 2.6, soaplib20 and django 1.3.  I am struggling to
>>>>>         understand
>>>>>         what exactly is wrong here.
>>>>>         class HelloWorldService(DefinitionBase):
>>>>>             @soap(String,Integer,_returns=Array(String))
>>>>>             def say_smello(self,name,times):
>>>>>                 results = []
>>>>>                 for i in range(0,times):
>>>>>                     results.append('Hello, %s'%name)
>>>>>                 return results
>>>>>         class DjangoSoapApp(WSGIApplication):
>>>>>             csrf_exempt = True
>>>>>             def __init__(self, services, tns):
>>>>>                 """Create Django view for given SOAP soaplib services and
>>>>>         tns"""
>>>>>                 return super(DjangoSoapApp,
>>>>>         self).__init__(Application(services, tns))
>>>>>             def __call__(self, request):
>>>>>                 django_response = HttpResponse()
>>>>>                 def start_response(status, headers):
>>>>>                     django_response.status_code = int(status.split('
>>>>>         ', 1)[0])
>>>>>                     for header, value in headers:
>>>>>                         django_response[header] = value
>>>>>                 response = super(DjangoSoapApp,
>>>>>         self).__call__(request.META,
>>>>>         start_response)
>>>>>                 django_response.content = '\n'.join(response)
>>>>>                 return django_response
>>>>>         # the view to use in urls.py
>>>>>         hello_world_service = DjangoSoapApp([HelloWorldService],
>>>>>         '__name__')
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