You raise a good point about sub menus.

Possibly something like this:
def resolve_urlname(request):
    """Allows us to see what the matched urlname for this
    request is within the template"""
    from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
        res = resolve(request.path)

        if res:
            return {
                'urlname' : res.url_name,
                'urlparts' : res.url_name.split("__")
        return {}

But then that forces a naming convention which might not be desired.

The other option is to see if the core devs would accept a patch which
allows you to specify a 'urlname group' on the url() method in


On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Melvyn Sopacua <>wrote:

> On 6-7-2012 16:01, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] wrote:
> > I've actually just done a ticket about this..
> >
> >
> >
> > Personally, I think the approach mentioned in the ticket is a far saner
> way
> > of doing things.
> Just wondering about this:
> if res:
>      return {'urlname' : res.url_name}
> a) no else clause, so there's a codepath where no dict is returned
> b) if that can't be reached, then why the if statement.
> Other that that, it probably needs a bit of refinement if you're going
> to force a naming convention, then force the convention on how to deal
> with sub menus, so that we can generate stuff like:
> News
>    | world
>    >> local
>    | business
> Polls
>    | current
>    | recent
> etc and have both "news" and "local" highlighted. For example it makes
> sense for urlnames like this to have a double underscore separator, so
> the urlname for news/local would be news__local.
> Then again, it might be overkill.
> --
> Melvyn Sopacua
> --
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