On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Daniel Roseman <dan...@roseman.org.uk> wrote:
> On Monday, 25 June 2012 13:05:24 UTC+1, larry....@gmail.com wrote:
>> I'm trying to use now in an if like this:
>> {% if value|date:"Ymd" ==  now "Ymd" %}
>> This is failing with: 'Unused '"Ymd"' at end of if expression.'
>> If I quote it:
>> {% if value|date:"Ymd" ==  'now "Ymd"' %}
>> I don't get the syntax error, but the if does not evaluate to true
>> when the dates match.
>> I need to see if the date in {{ value }} is `today' - how can I do that?
>> -larry
> Write a custom "is_today" filter. Two lines of code.

Thanks for the reply. I ended up doing what I needed in python on the sever.

So I guess there is no way to use now in an if?

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