On Monday, 25 June 2012 09:42:27 UTC+1, armagan wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to convert to str to datetime. "date object" must be datetime 
> object. Can you help me?
>  def item_pubdate(self, item): # Yayinlanma Tarihi
>         if item.delivery_date:
>             date = item.delivery_date
>             dt = datetime.combine(date, time())
>             return dt
>         else:
>             return ' '

No, we can't help you. What is `item.delivery_date`? What does `str` have 
to do with anything? What is the relevance of '"date object" must be 
datetime object' - is that an error message you are getting? If so, why 
don't you post the actual traceback, which is full of useful debugging 

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