Does anyone have opinions on the best way of having middleware catch 
exceptions, and instead of rendering the error into a HTML template, to 
return a JSON object? Currently I have the middleware below that catches 
exceptions, and if it can find an extra user error message, puts that onto 
the request (that the template then picks up).

class ExceptionUserErrorMessageMiddleware(object):
    def process_exception(self, request, exception):
        """ if the exception has information relevant to the user, then 
        tack that onto the request object"""

        theFormat = djrequest.get_getvar(request, settings.FORMAT_PARAM, "")
        msg = getMessage(exception)
        if msg:
            setattr(request, USER_ERROR_MESSAGE_ATTR, msg)

        if theFormat == "json":
            print "do something"

What's the best way of returning a json object here? Should I set any 
additional headers?

Is there a way of doing the same for exceptional circumstances that don't 
pass through middleware (I'm pretty sure 404 doesn't, are there any others)?

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