I'm working on my first project and I'm attempting to implement a basic 
search function where users can search for a specific terms.

There are many options available, most a bit too heavy for what I require. 
I found this posting which illustrates how to implement a basic search 
function that sounds ideal: 


The problem: the documentation is a bit incomplete, especially for a 
newbie. And I could use some help from those with experience on how to 
implement this.

The first action is to create a file within the project – say search.py – 
with the following code:

import re

from django.db.models import Q

def normalize_query(query_string,
    ''' Splits the query string in invidual keywords, getting rid of 
unecessary spaces
        and grouping quoted words together.
        >>> normalize_query('  some random  words "with   quotes  " and   
        ['some', 'random', 'words', 'with quotes', 'and', 'spaces']
    return [normspace(' ', (t[0] or t[1]).strip()) for t in 

def get_query(query_string, search_fields):
    ''' Returns a query, that is a combination of Q objects. That 
        aims to search keywords within a model by testing the given search 
    query = None # Query to search for every search term        
    terms = normalize_query(query_string)
    for term in terms:
        or_query = None # Query to search for a given term in each field
        for field_name in search_fields:
            q = Q(**{"%s__icontains" % field_name: term})
            if or_query is None:
                or_query = q
                or_query = or_query | q
        if query is None:
            query = or_query
            query = query & or_query
    return query

Then the next step would be to import this file into the views – import 
search (not sure if the app name should proceed this). Then add this view, 
with the object detail changed to match my model:

def search(request):
    query_string = ''
    found_entries = None
    if ('q' in request.GET) and request.GET['q'].strip():
        query_string = request.GET['q']
        entry_query = get_query(query_string, ['title', 'body',])
        found_entries = 

    return render_to_response('search/search_results.html',
                          { 'query_string': query_string, 'found_entries': 
found_entries },

After this, I'm a bit stumped.

I assume this requires a basic url for the urls.py file, which seems 
straightforward enough. But I'm not sure how to place this within a 
template, what tags to use, etc. I have a search bar form on my main 
template page to which I would like to attach this. But returning the 
search/search_results.html template with the appropriate tags is a bit head 

This is a fairly long post but if anyone could provide some insight on 
implementing this search function, it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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