> I suppose that "childrens" is a custom manager, can you show us, the 
> implementation of that manager?
Childrens it's just a related_items parameter for a field. 
This code from models.py

> class Categories(models.Model):
>     name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
>     path = models.SlugField(max_length=50)
>     parent = models.ForeignKey('self', null=True, blank=True, *
> related_name='childrens'*)
>     order = models.IntegerField(default=1)
>     isShow = models.BooleanField(default=True)
By using category.childrens.all() i just check are child items exists...  
(any object have this category like 'parent')

Only for performance "if len(category.childrens.all()):" -> "if 
> category.childrens.exist():"
Thx, for advice.

> But your problem, it's rare. Print the type of the firs element of the 
> result list:
Type is a "class Category". So it's realy object... Now i understand so i 
wrong with identify my problem.

I want to build HTML through the custom tag, and i cant get access for 
fields parametrs in custom tag script. In begin i suppose the problem 
appear when i put objects in list. But type(list[0]) show thet in list i 
have still object. I check in my template by {{item.field}} - it is show me 
right data, so in template i sill can get access for fields of an object. 
But when in my template i call my template tag, in template_tag code i 
can't get access for fields... code is below.
In my template i do 

> {% load menu_builder %}
> {{ list|BuildMenu }}

In menu_builder.py i have this code:

> def BuildMenu(list):
>     html = ''
>     for item in list:
>         print item.path
>     return html 
it's isnt realy function - just check... but i get a exception 
'list' object has no attribute 'path'
Exception Location: ..\templatetags\menu_builder.py in BuildMenu, line 7

Can you help with it? Where i make a wrong?

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