
On 19/05/12 09:27, graeme wrote:
> All it needs is a quick Google to find it, but I missed it before.
> This tip on the Geany wiki on how to set it up to work with a syntax
> checker is veru useful - IMO it plugs the biggest gap in Geany's
> functionality:
> http://wiki.geany.org/howtos/check_python_code

Nice to hear you find the howto useful.

> In fact you do not need use the shell script. If you want to use just
> one syntax checker (I use pyflakes) you can just call it directly.

Pylint is also very useful even though its checking is much slower but
since it does not just static code checking, it can find more problems
in the code (provided PYTHONPATH is set up properly).
But it's just personal taste which tools to use.

> You can also enable syntax highlighting for Django templates:
> http://www.drhevans.com/blog/posts/261-enabling-django-template-syntax-highlighting-in-geany/

I put this tip and a couple (of already existing) snippets related to
Django into a new wiki page:
https://wiki.geany.org/howtos/geany_and_django hoping it will help some
Feel free to add any other useful hints.

> All I need now is static checking for templates. I have tried some
> other light IDEs recently (SPE and UliPad were both nice) but neither
> is as smooth and responsive, and had various minor irritants.

If you find something, please let me/us know and/or put on the wiki page
mentioned above. That'd be cool.


P.S.: sorry for the late answer, I somehow missed that mail :D.

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