My application is VERY low volume, so I just do this to KISS

        (resident, created) =
models.Resident.objects.get_or_create(pk=resid, defaults=r)




[] On Behalf Of Jonathan French
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: DRY violation using get_or_create with defaults


On 12 June 2012 04:44, Jerome Baum <> wrote:

Drop the "defaults" kwarg to get_or_create as apparently you're not
using it. Also drop the conditional on those set/save statements.


Ah, I should have made clear that some of the fields in defaults are NOT
NULL, so it's necessary to pass them in defaults. That's the problem,
really. I did start off by just doing get_or_create, set fields, save,
with no conditional, but then some of the fields I needed to set started
becoming NOT NULL.


I guess I'm probably going to have to create a custom manager or utility
function. It's annoying since I use some other custom managers already,
but oh well.


Thanks for all your suggestions.


- ojno

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